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Key Developments In The Arab World And Internationally

Live Coverage of the Gaza War: 210 Casualties and US Denies Using Naval Ships in Nusairat Operation

Key Developments in the Arab World and Internationally

Tune in for the latest news and updates from the field as the conflict in Gaza continues. Our coverage includes:

  • The fundamentals of the proposed ceasefire agreement
  • The restoration of sustainable peace in Gaza
  • An overview of the war's key events

Tragedy in Nusairat Refugee Camp as Attacks Escalate

In the ongoing Gaza war, the death toll has reached 210. The tragic loss of 30 Palestinian lives occurred in an Israeli airstrike that hit a school sheltering displaced families in the Nusairat refugee camp. Amidst widespread condemnation, the US has denied involvement in the operation using naval ships.

Protests Against Nusairat Massacre in Amman

Jordanians took to the streets on Saturday evening, gathering near the Israeli embassy in Amman. The protest expressed outrage over the Nusairat refugee camp massacre, with demonstrators demanding justice for the victims.
